If you require a Private Medical Examination please ensure that you let the receptionist know, so that sufficient time can be booked for you with the doctor. 

There is a fee charged for this service as it is not available on the NHS. 

Certificates and Forms

Doctors Letter


Private Sick Note


Private Prescription


Sickness/Accident/Insurance Claim Form (sliding fee scale)


Holiday Cancelation (sliding fee scale)


Private Consultation for Overseas Visitors


Cremation Fees



Report for Employer Without Examination


Medical Examinations

Report for Employer With Examination










Examination Inclusive of Chest X-Ray


Examination Without Chest X-Ray




Private Medical Fees Nurses

NB: These fees should be applied to patients who are having private procedures or for private insurance.


£35.00 for initial sample and £10.00 for extra samples.





Home Visit


Vitamin B12 Injection

£35.00 (patient to pay for private prescription and also for implant at pharmacy)

DNA Samples

Invoice Cellmark if applicable:
1 sample: £32.31
2 samples: £45.24
3 samples: £58.16
4 samples: £71.09
***and patient to pay £5.00***


If patient is paying in full:
1 sample: £37.00
2 samples: £50.00
3 samples: £63.00
4 samples: £76.00

MRSA screening prior to private procedures


Blood pressure


HVS and Chlamydia screening prior to private fertility treatment


INR Clinic




Contraceptive implant with GP

(patient to pay for private prescription and also for implant at pharmacy)