Clinics & Services
Pharmacist Clinics
Make an appointment on 01656 766866.
Our practice pharmacists review and monitor patients’ medication. They help to ensure that medicines prescribed are safe, effective and in-line with the best available evidence for treating medical conditions. We may ask you to book an appointment with a pharmacist for a full review of your repeat medication.
Nurse Practitioner Clinics
Make an appointment on 01656 766866.
Our Nurse Practitioners can provide treatment and advice for many medical problems. We may direct your appointment to one of our Nurse Practitioners if appropriate. They can assess and examine you, make a diagnosis and provide advice and treatment including a prescription if required.
Antenatal Clinic
Make an appointment on 01656 766866.
For checking the progress of mothers-to-be. This is run jointly between the doctors, midwives and the health visitors. If you are pregnant, please make an appointment for the booking clinic when an initial assessment can be made and you can meet the midwife.
Well Baby Clinic
To check babies’ growth and development from birth to school age and for immunisations. This is run jointly by the health visitors, nurses and doctors. The practice will send you an appointment for this clinic when necessary. For information about these clinics ring our health visitors on 01656 753708 or the Practice on 01656 766866.
Well Person Clinic
Ring 01656 766866 for information.
To check your general health. To measure blood pressure, weight and test urine for diabetes and to discuss general health such as lifestyle, exercise and diet.
Family Planning
Make an appointment on 01656 766866.
All forms of contraception are offered, including emergency contraception. Routine family planning is provided by our practice nurses. Several doctors offer a coil fitting service. We also fit and remove Implanon devices.
Minor Surgery
Removal of lumps, bumps and moles, in-growing toenail treatments and joint injection. These are done by doctors at the surgery. Ask at reception for advice.
Cryotherapy Clinic
Freezing treatment for warts, verrucae and other skin lumps. Make an appointment to see a doctor first.
Respiratory Clinic, Blood Pressure Clinic, Diabetic and Coronary Heart Disease Clinic
These clinics are run by the Practice Nursing Team time who provide regular reviews for patients with chronic medical conditions. The days of these clinics vary from week to week. Ring 01656 766866 for information.
Warfarin Clinic
Ring 766866 for information.
We run these clinics every week, usually on Tuesday and Friday.
Travel Immunisation Ring 01656 766866 for information.
Cervical Smears
Ring 01656 766866.
If you are a woman aged between 25 and 65 you should have regular smears taken. You may receive a notification from the Cervical Cytology service or an invitation from the Practice to have a smear. Make an appointment with one of our practice nurses for this procedure.
Smoking Cessation Clinics
Telephone 0800 085 2219 for an appointment
Smoking cessation clinics are run by Stop Smoking Wales.
Medical Examinations
Telephone 01656 766866
Medical examinations are carried out for HGV, car insurance, life insurance etc. These are not covered by the NHS and therefore a fee is charged.
Test Results
Ring the direct line 01656 673330.
Some results are available over the telephone between 9.00am – 12 noon.