Parkrun Practice
Riversdale Surgery is proud to announce it is one of the first practices in Wales to become a parkrun Practice. This means we have made a partnership with Porthcawl parkrun, parkrun UK, and the Royal College of General Practitioners. As a parkrun Practice we will actively encourage staff and patients to participate in parkrun as part of their overall health and wellbeing.
What is parkrun? It started 14 years ago in Bushy Park, London. Tim Sinton-Hewitt invited 3 friends to run with him on Saturday mornings over 5km (3 miles) in the park. From this idea parkrun grew. It now has over 500 parkruns in the UK, 1.7 million people have taken part running and in total over one hundred million kilometres have been run (111 449 005km to be precise, but it will be more by the weekend!)
Download the PDF Flyer: English | Welsh | Polish
Frequently asked questions.
- Do you have to be a good runner?
Absolutely NOT. In fact, lots of people walk the parkrun or walk and jog the parkrun. Every parkrun has a set of tail runners who walk at the back so nobody is left behind. They offer encouragement to all newcomers and help make the whole thing good fun.
- When does it start?
Each parkrun starts at 9am. In Porthcawl the start and finish line are opposite the Grand Pavilion.
- How much does it cost?
Entry is entirely free. All you have to do is click on the link below and print off a free bar code and bring it with you.
- What should I wear?
Anything goes! Comfortable clothes and walking shoes is fine, for the more serious runners, usual running gear. Fancy dress is an option (particularly during the Elvis Festival and at Christmas!)
So come along! Dr Harrop says….get a pair of trainers!!
- Are you one of our patients who already does parkrun?
- Let us know what your experience has been like?
We would love to share your experiences on our website to help inspire others.